by tenderfoottv | Sep 10, 2018
Payne and the UAV team attend a full moon drum circle in Crestone. Along the way, they meet a colorful local, visit a tarot card reader in Denver, and find an intimate contact in Kristal’s old phone. In Crestone, it’s not uncommon for people to go by obscure nicknames— to the extent that real names are never even disclosed. Unfortunately, this could make it even harder to trace people that are already living off the grid. At the end of this episode, Payne receives an alarming phone call from Rodney Ervin.
by tenderfoottv | Sep 3, 2018
Chris Halsne, Eli, and the Ervins disclose the predominant rumor surrounding Kristal’s case. Friends and family reminisce, sharing their favorite anecdotes and character traits about Kristal. Payne makes contact with her friends in Denver, seeking out experiences from that time in her life. And then we’re back to Crestone…
by tenderfoottv | Aug 27, 2018
A rugged, remote, small town is the last known whereabouts of Kristal Anne ReisingerIt’s history. Locals discribe Crestone as an extremely safe place where people don’t lock their doors. You just have to be aware of the wildlife. This is bear and mountain lion territory. People with interests in spiritual pursuits are attracted here. Native Americans consider it a sacred valley. Some say it is a portal to other universes. Welcome to Crestone, CO 37.9964° N, 105.6997° W