The Search

Original Air Date    11.13.2018

In This Episode

Payne and the team tag up with Fox31’s Chris Halsne for his search of the mineshafts. Tracy Sargent, dog handler, brings along her cadaver dog, Chance, to assist…. “Chance, hunt.”

“Many people know them as cadaver dogs, which of course he does find cadavers as well, but it should be based upon not just finding a cadaver or quote "where somebody died." It really is the full spectrum of all the human remains from a full sized body to bones and everything in between.” - Tracey Sergeant, K9 Search and Rescue Expert


Tad DiBiase: 00:01 I think given what we've heard in this case, you would start with the mine shafts. Now that said, my understanding is that's going to be incredibly difficult place to search.

Payne Lindsey: 00:15 That's Tad DiBiase, the "No Body" guy.

Tad DiBiase: 00:18 No one seems to say, oh yes, she liked to go and explore the mineshaft. She was a spelunker or whatever you call them. No one said that about her.